5 Lesser-Known Building Self Confidence Activities

5 Lesser-Known Building Self Confidence Activities


Finally, we can now agree that self-confidence is a vital component in the recipe for a fulfilling life.

This core ingredient empowers us to reach our goals, engage with challenges, and bounce back from setbacks.

Perhaps you’ve tried the usual self-confidence boosters: positive affirmations, public speaking, or sticking to a fitness regimen.

But have you considered the unconventional means of sustaining self-assurance? Beyond the familiar, a whole world of activities could potentially reinvent your self-perception.

Introduction To Building Self-Confidence Through Novel Activities

Imagine an activity that doesn’t just put a tick on a self-improvement checklist but also infuses your life with excitement and a fresh sense of purpose.

That’s what we’re on the lookout for – unique and impactful ways to ignite a steady flame of self-confidence within you.

Including novel approaches into your routine can pave a more exciting path toward building your confidence—bringing new challenges and enriching your life experiences.

Let’s move forward and explore one such powerful method: learning a new language.

Embracing the Power of Learning a New Language

I find that mastering a new language isn’t just about adding a skill to your resume; it’s a profound way to challenge your mind and affirm your capability to learn and grow.

This process can impactfully boost your self-confidence as you begin to understand and communicate in a language once foreign to you.

Taking on the language learning task isn’t solely an intellectual endeavour; it taps into your perseverance and willingness to make mistakes and learn from them.

It’s this exact experience that makes you more confident, not only in your linguistic abilities but in your problem-solving and cognitive skills as well.

To seamlessly integrate this activity into your life, start small. Set realistic daily goals like learning ten new words or practising with a language learning app for fifteen minutes.

Consistency is key. Remember, the goal isn’t perfection but gradual improvement.

And when that improvement becomes evident, it’s not just about a sense of achievement.

The confidence you gain spills over into other areas of your life, encouraging you to take on new challenges with the knowledge that you can learn and excel.

Now, steering from the silent dialogue of language in your mind, imagine stepping onto a stage without a script. That’s where the art of improvisational theatre comes into play, as I’ll discuss next.

Improvisational Theater: A Stage for Growing Confidence

Imagine stepping onto a stage where a story unfolds without script, where each line is a leap of trust in your instincts and creativity.

This is the essence of improvisational theatre, or ‘improv’, and it’s a powerful tool I’ve found for bolstering self-confidence.

In improv, participants respond to prompts and scenarios in real time, crafting dialogues and plots on the spot.

This activity hones your ability to think quickly and adapt, skills that directly translate to increased self-assurance in everyday life.

You learn to trust your decisions and express yourself with conviction, both fundamental pillars of self-confidence.

Moreover, improv requires effective communication since you constantly interact with other performers.

It’s a supportive environment where everyone’s contribution is valued, and there’s a real camaraderie in jointly navigating the unpredictable landscape of a performance.

This sense of belonging can significantly enhance your self-confidence.

Engaging in improv doesn’t mean you must dream of being on Broadway.

Local community centres, clubs, and online platforms offer improv workshops where mistakes are celebrated as part of the learning process.

The key takeaway? Don’t be afraid of ‘getting it wrong’. Each stumble is a step forward in your confidence journey.

And after you’ve had your fill of laughter and applause at an improv session, consider the silent lessons.

If you can face an audience without a script, what’s stopping you from dealing with life’s unscripted challenges?

That lingering sense of empowerment continues into another self-confidence-building activity I recommend: solo travel.

Solo Travel: Journey into Self-Reliance and Assurance

Travelling alone isn’t just about ticking off destinations from a bucket list; it’s an intimate process of self-discovery and growth.

Without a companion to lean on, you become the sole decision-maker, navigator, and problem-solver. This autonomy is daunting and exhilarating, fostering a sense of accomplishment with each successful step.

When you explore new terrain alone, the unexpected becomes routine. You learn to trust your judgment, to be comfortable in your skin, and to engage with strangers, turning them into friends or guides.

Each interaction and decision reinforces the belief that you are capable and resourceful.

Proper planning is essential for a safe and fulfilling solo travel adventure.

This means researching destinations, setting a realistic budget, and being aware of cultural nuances. Moreover, your safety should always be a priority, so share your itinerary with someone you trust and stay connected.

But the benefits of solo travel extend beyond the trip itself. Your newfound self-reliance and assurance carry over into everyday life, enhancing your confidence in personal and professional relationships.

You understand that stepping out of your comfort zone is not only possible—it’s transformative.

Creative writing: Crafting stories to boost self-belief

Writing is a powerful tool for self-expression and self-discovery. It allows you to give voice to your innermost thoughts and feelings. And to explore your experiences in a safe and controlled way. Creative writing, in particular, offers an effective means of fostering self-belief and building resilience.

By putting your thoughts and emotions into words, you can release suppressed feelings and process complex experiences in a safe and controlled way. This can be incredibly therapeutic and beneficial for your emotional well-being.

Through creative writing, you can also create characters and stories that reflect your journeys of growth and resilience. This helps you take ownership of your life and identity and view yourself more positively.

If you’re interested in exploring creative writing, there are many ways to get started. Joining writing communities or participating in workshops can give valuable feedback, help you build your skills, and connect you with like-minded individuals.

Writing is not just about publishing your work online or in print. It’s about sharing your stories, gaining validation, and boosting your confidence and self-belief.

Martial Arts: The Discipline of Self-Confidence

I’ve found that the philosophy and practice of martial arts can be an exceptional tool for enriching self-confidence.

Likening the journey to navigating life’s complex challenges, martial arts equip you with a strong mindset and the grace to handle adversity with poise.

You build up your physique through consistent training and foster mental resilience and a sense of accomplishment.

The key takeaway is the profound impact of discipline and perseverance on your self-esteem.

Patience, after all, is critical; as skills mature over time, so does confidence.

Start by choosing a martial art that resonates with your personal goals.

Whether it’s the fluid motion of Aikido, the striking art of Taekwondo, or the grappling techniques of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, there is a style that aligns with your aspiration to build confidence.

Research local dojos or online classes and take that first step onto the mat.

Addressing safety, be sure to learn in a supportive environment under the guidance of qualified instructors. This ensures effective learning and a safe space to grow and challenge yourself.

Remember, the goal isn’t to become a black belt overnight but to journey purposefully and persistently.

With each class, you’ll notice an uptick in your self-assurance.

The journey through martial arts – much like the pursuit of any new discipline – mirrors the journey within yourself. It’s about confronting your fears, embracing your potential, and learning that confidence is not just a trait, but a skill honed through dedicated effort and positive action.

4 thoughts on “5 Lesser-Known Building Self Confidence Activities

  1. Hi Sipheni, I read with interest your article about lesser known self confidence activities. I can’t say I’ve done most of the ones you talked about in the article. I’ve been trying to learn Spanish for nearly 60 years. I know a little but I’m far from fluent. However, I do teach English to people who want to learn the language I do speak. I’ve done my share of creative writing. I don’t think I’d like traveling alone. Maybe I’ll try martial arts.Those I’ve known who have gotten into martial arts, rave about it. 

    As for improvisational theater, I’ve thought about trying my hand at stand-up comedy. Maybe someday. However, I’ve done a lot of karaoke singing and it has definitely helped my self-confidence. That’s as close to theater as I’ve gotten.

    Thanks for a great article.


    1. Hi Bob,

      Thanks for your thoughtful and engaging comment! It’s always fascinating to hear different perspectives on self-confidence activities.

      I love that you’ve found your groove with karaoke, and it totally counts as a form of performance art in my book. Stand-up comedy and improvisational theater share some similar elements, so it’s interesting that you’re drawn to both. Perhaps a comedy troupe with improvised elements could be a next step?

      Learning Spanish for 60 years is no small feat, and even partial fluency is a testament to your dedication and perseverance. That in itself is a fantastic confidence booster!

      And who knows, maybe martial arts will be your next adventure. It’s never too late to explore new activities, and you never know what hidden talents might lie within.

      Thanks again for sharing your experiences, Bob. It’s readers like you who make the conversation about self-confidence richer and more meaningful.


  2. Hey, cool post and cool site.  Another Lesser-known thing that really improves confidence is getting sober. Especially quitting alchohol. Because it’s poison and people don’t realize it because it is romanticized in the meedia. Toastmasters is good and improving your communication skills. Plus using afformations by Noah st John. Have a good day. 

    1. Hey Jake,

      Thanks for the cool vibes and insightful additions👍. Recovering from alcohol dependence is definitely a confidence booster – facing challenges and reclaiming your health is incredibly empowering. Toastmasters for communication and Noah St. John’s afformations are fantastic picks too.

      You’re spreading awesome ideas, keep rocking it!


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